What to Expect When Switching to Natural Deodorant

August 19, 2019

What to Expect When Switching to Natural Deodorant

Natural deodorant is a green and safe alternative to chemical-laden antiperspirants. Many people think that natural deodorant is bogus or doesn't work as well. However, it really has come a long way and there are some really incredible products out there that will get the job done.

For awhile now, there has been concerns surrounding aluminium, which is a key ingredient in antiperspirants, and the affect that it has on us. Aluminium essentially plugs your sweat ducts and stops sweat from coming out. Whether this is harmful or not, it is also strange that you would be wanting to physically prevent something that our bodies are meant to do. 

If you decide antiperspirants are no longer for you, be prepared to endure a detox period while initially making the switch. Since your sweat glands for so long have been blocked off by antiperspirant, the main detox symptom that you will experience is excessive sweat and smell as you are finally letting those pits breath!